Archives par mot-clé : musées

3/05, NY : Moral, Political, and Historical Considerations in the Post-World War II

Si à tout hasard, l’une/un de vous se trouve actuellement à New York, ne manquez pas ce mardi 3 mai 2016 à 18h la présentation de Stanislaw Krajewski (voir plus bas pour sa biographie) à propos du musée POLIN de Varsovie, et plus précisément à propos de son espace consacré à l’histoire des Juifs de Pologne après la Shoah.

La rencontre est organisée Continuer la lecture de 3/05, NY : Moral, Political, and Historical Considerations in the Post-World War II

Musées juifs en Europe post-communiste

Deux informations à retenir en ce mois de janvier 2016 concernant les musées d’histoire juive :
– un numéro de la revue East European Jewish Affairs consacré aux nouveaux musées juifs en Europe post-communiste ;
– une séance organisée le 10 janvier au Centre d’Histoire juive (Center for Jewish History) de New York et dédiée aux musées juifs du 21e siècle en Europe de l’Est, avec un focus particulier sur le récent musée des Juifs de Pologne à Varsovie et sur le Musée juif et le Centre pour la Tolérance à Moscou (à ce propos lire aussi cet article paru en 2014 : ” Le musée juif et le centre pour la tolérance de Moscou“). Ces interventions sont d’ailleurs liées à la parution du numéro ci-dessus mentionné.

Continuer la lecture de Musées juifs en Europe post-communiste

Representing Jewish History

fot. Jewish window, aut. zeevveez/FLICKR
fot. Jewish window, aut. zeevveez/FLICKR

En mai 2016, l’Institut historique allemand de Varsovie organisera la troisième conférence sur le judaïsme au sein des cultures européennes et américaines. Cette année, la problématique envisagée est celle de la représentation de  l’Histoire juive au sein de la culture populaire, des musées et des espaces publics.

Les candidatures sont à soumettre avant le 28 février.

Ci-dessous l’appel à contribution de la conférence “Representing Jewish History in European and American Popular Culture, Museums and Public Spaces“.

Continuer la lecture de Representing Jewish History

Appel à contribution : The Perception of the Shoah in East Central Europe

Vous trouverez ci-dessous l’appel à contribution pour le workshop doctoral (30 novembre – 1er décembre 2015 à Halle, en Allemagne) organisé par le centre d’études polonaise Aleksander Brückner de Halle : Suppressed Historiography, Erased Memory? The Perception of the Shoah in East Central Europe during Socialist Rule.

Les candidatures sont à envoyer avant le 22 mars 2015, en anglais.

Call for Papers

Suppressed Historiography, Erased Memory? The Perception of the Shoah in East Central Europe during Socialist Rule

November 30 to December 1, 2015
Halle, Germany

In Holocaust and Memory Studies the assumption prevails that in the socialist states of Eastern Europe the Shoah was either not an object of historical research and publicmemory at all or that is has been falsified, politically exploited or rendered taboo. However, a closer look reveals that such views are far too simplistic. From the late 1940s through the 1980s historical studies, memoirs, reports and newspaper articles ont he Shoah appeared in these countries, not to mention that some of the most known literary works on the issue originated from the eastern side of the iron curtain and were written by authors such as Imre Kertész, Jurek Becker, Ota Filip or Hanna Krall. The boom of Jewish culture in the 1980s was also not restricted to North America and Western Europe. It stimulated debates on the destruction of European Jewry in Eastern Europe – in state-controlled media as well as in the uncensored press of dissidents andoppositionists. The perception of the Shoah in East Central Europe was thus a dynamic process which was influenced by a variety of internal and transnational factors.

This situation leads so several questions such as the following:

How was the Shoah perceived in socialist states? How was it researched, commemorated and discussed? How did perceptions differ from western ones, to what degree were they similar to each other or even entangled? How did Shoah perceptions change over time? Was the study and memory of the Shoah connected to political, socialor cultural trends? How did specific political and social, but also religious communities remember and discuss the Shoah?

These questions will be discussed during a workshop at the Aleksander Brückner Center for Polish Studies in Halle (Germany) from November 30 to December 1, 2015. The geographical focus of the conference is on East Central Europe, namely Poland, Czechoslovakia, East Germany and Hungary. However, proposals on neighboring countries, such as the Soviet Union or Romania, will also be considered.

Special attention will be given to:

1. Historiography and Documentation (Research Institutions or single Researchers, Museums and Memorials)

2. Political instrumentalization of research and memory of the Shoah

3. (Semi-)Public debates on the Shoah

4. Reflections on the Shoah in the Arts and Literature and their reception

Experienced scholars as well as doctoral students from the humanities and social sciences are invited to submit a proposal in English of 500 words maximum explainingthe paper’s main hypothesis and the sources used, as well as a short CV by 22 March 2015. Please address proposals and questions to:

Travel expenses and accommodation will be covered by the organizers.

Merci à Audrey Kichelewski pour avoir partagé cette information avec nous.

Appel à candidature : université d’été “Memory – Place – Presence”, sur la vie juive en Pologne

Pour la première fois, l’Université Marie Skłodowska-Curie de Lublin et le Grodzka Gate – NN Theatre Centre ont décidé de coopérer pour proposer à 20 étudiants une université d’été sur la vie juive en Pologne. Cette université d’été aura lieu à Lublin du 23 juin au 2 juillet 2015.

Les candidatures sont à envoyer avant le 1er mars. Pour recevoir les formulaires de candidature et si vous souhaitez plus d’informations, contactez Magdalena Dziaczkowska par mail ( ) ou par téléphone ((+48) 81 532 58 67 ), ou directement sur le site de l’université d’été :  . Sur cette page web, vous trouverez également toutes les informations nécessaires (professeurs participants, visites prévues, activités proposées, détails sur les sujets abordés, coût, demande de bourse pour y participer…).


We are pleased to announce the call for applications for the first edition of the summer student program “Memory – Place – Presence”, coordinated by the Grodzka Gate – NN Theatre Centre in cooperation with the Maria Skłodowska-Curie University in Lublin, Poland. The program will start on June 23, 2015, and will continue through July 2, 2015. This year, the program will accept up to twenty participants.

The program focuses on education about Jewish life and heritage in Poland based on the example of Lublin and the Lublin region. Educational activities (lectures, workshops, panel discussions) during the program will address following issues:

  • History of Polish Jews using the example of Lublin
  • The heritage of the shtetls, the small, often largely Jewish towns of Eastern Europe
  • Yiddish and Hebrew as the linguistic pillars of local Jewish culture
  • In search of identity – Jewish biographies of the 20th century
  • The Holocaust and its consequences for the region
  • Educational restitution and creative work around the notion of collective memory

Visits to the recently opened Polin Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw, Majdanek camp, the Bełżec Museum-Memorial Site and a study tour of former shtetl sites are also part of the curriculum. More about the program can be found on

Complete applications should be e-mailed to: by March 1, 2015.

If you have any questions about the application procedure or program, please feel free to contact us.

Magdalena Dziaczkowska
Summer School Project Coordinator
The “Grodzka Gate – NN Theatre” Centre
ul. Grodzka 21
20-112 Lublin, Poland
Tel: (+48) 81 532 58 67

Merci à Agnieszka Zachariewicz pour avoir partagé cette information avec nous.