Si vous souhaitez assister à l’intervention d’Atina Grossmann et/ou à l’ensemble du workshop, contactez par mail Alina Bothe avant le 12 novembre ( ).
19-21 novembre 2014
Technische Universität Berlin
Room H 3005
Straße des 17. Juni 135
10623 Berlin
Présentation du
workshop par ses organisateurs Alina Bothe et Markus Nesselrodt :
“The survivor has become a prominent figure and a key concept in history, literary studies and political thought. But who is a survivor? And, more precisely, who is a survivor of the Shoah? The international workshop “Survivors – Politics and Semantics of a Concept” will deal with various approaches and definitions of the term survivor. A complex conceptional history will be discussed, spanning from the immediate postwar period to the present. Topics to be raised include different theoretical frameworks by philosophers, writers and historians as well as the ongoing discussions of restitution and moral responsibility. Scholars from seven countries will share their work during two days of intense discussion.”
Programme du workshop :
Mercredi 19 Novembre 2014
18h-21h : Ouverture du workshop
Stefanie Schüler-Springorum (Directrice du Centre de recherche sur l’antisémitisme)
Keynote Lecture
Atina Grossmann (Professor of History, Cooper Union New York and DAAD Walter Benjamin Visiting Professor) : Remapping Death and Survival Shifting Geographies and Definitions
Jeudi 20 Novembre
9h30-10h : Introduction
Stefanie Schüler-Springorum (Berlin)
Alina Bothe (Berlin) et Markus Nesselrodt (Berlin)
10h00-11h00 : Who is a Survivor? (I) Early Postwar Definitions
Présidente de séance : Karen Körber (Berlin)
Thomas Rahe (Bergen-Belsen) : Survival and New Beginnings. Jews and Roma in Bergen-Belsen 1945
Katarzyna Person (Varsovie) : Building a Community of Survivors in the Post-War Jewish Honor Courts
11h30-13h00: Semantics of Survival
Président de séance : Micha Brumlik (Berlin)
Adam Stern (Cambridge) : Survival Before Auschwitz. On Rosenzweig and Christianity
Linda Asquith (Nottingham) : “What did you survive?” An Exploration of the Nature of Being a Survivor and the Concept of a Survivor Hierarchy
Zofia Waślicka (Prague) : The Use of the Term “Survivor” in Poland
14h30-16h00 : Politics of Survival
Président de séance : Michael Wildt (Berlin)
Susanna Schrafstetter (Vermont) : Hidden Jews as a Sub-group of German Holocaust Survivors
Antoine Burgard (Lyon/Montréal) : “Child to be Placed with a Family who Will Appreciate his Tragic Past”. Early Understandings of Young Survivors and Future Migrants’ Experiences in Immediate Post-War Europe
Benno Nietzel (Bielefeld) : The Jewish Claims Conference and Reparations for Holocaust Survivors 1951-2000
16h30-18h00 : On Survival in Literature
Présidente de séance : Eva Lezzi (Berlin)
Daniel Pedersen (Stockholm) : Surviving through Poetry – The Case of Nelly Sachs
Andree Michaelis (Francfort sur Oder) : The Survivor as Writer and as Witness or Why Primo Levi Did not Want to Be Called a “Survivor”
Jan Taubitz (Erfurt/Berlin) : From Anne Frank to Amy Bellette: How Philip Roth Anticipated the Memory Boom and the Role of the Survivor
Vendredi 21 Novembre
09h00-11h00 : Survival Post Migration
Présidente de séance : Stefanie Schüler-Springorum (Berlin)
Anne Rothe (Detroit) : Survivors Made in America: Intersections of Social Darwinism, Holocaust Memory, and Popular Culture
Noam Zadoff (Bloomington) : Bridging the Abyss? Holocaust Survivors in Israel
11h30-13h00 : Who is a Survivor? (II) Responses by Historians
Présidente de séance : Gertrud Pickhan (Berlin)
Elisabeth Gallas (Jérusalem) : Framing Holocaust Research in New York – The Role of Survivor Historians in the Aftermath of World War II
Julia Menzel (Lüneburg): Between “Nothing” and “Something”. Narratives of Survival in H. G. Adler‘s Scholarly and Literary Analysis of the Shoah
René Schlott (Potsdam) : The Survivor as a Historian. Raul Hilberg (1926-2007) and the Holocaust Historiography
14h30-15h30 : Survivors‘ Movements
Présidente de séance : Atina Grossmann (New York/Berlin)
Sebastian Schönemann (Coblence) : The Name Registry as Testimony: About the Commemorative Function of Survivors‘ Early Tracing Services
Ran Zwigenberg (Penn State) : From the Ashes: Hiroshima, the Holocaust and the Rise of the “Survivor” as a Moral Category
15h30-16h00 : Conclusion
Stefanie Schüler-Springorum (Berlin)