Archives par mot-clé : Appels à contribution

Colloquia Humanistica : appel à article sur le voisinage et la présence juive en Europe

pageHeaderTitleImage_en_USLa revue de l’Institut des études slaves de l’Académie polonaise des sciences Colloquia Humanistica, dont les articles réunis sont publiés en anglais, lance un appel à contribution pour son prochain numéro. Cette année le thème sera le voisinage. Les propositions concernant la présence juive en Europe sont les bienvenues.

Les propositions sont à soumettre avant le 15 octobre. Pour plus d’informations, vous trouverez ci-joint et ci-dessous l’appel détaillé.
COLLOQUIA HUMANISTICA call for papers v.5 Continuer la lecture de Colloquia Humanistica : appel à article sur le voisinage et la présence juive en Europe

Jews and Austrian Culture : Appel à article

Si vous travaillez sur l’histoire des Juifs en Autriche, voici un appel à article qui peut vous intéresser. Les propositions d’articles – qui seront publiés, en anglais, dans la revue Austrian Studies à l’automne 2016, dans un numéro consacré aux Juifs et la culture autrichienne – sont à envoyer avant le 15 mai 2015.

Austrian Studies 24 (2016)
Jews and Austrian Culture

What it means to be Jewish in Austria is deeply rooted in the past, but also continues to evolve. Although confronted with antisemitism, Austrian Jews ranging from strongly assimilationist to ardently Zionist drove and supported some of the most well-known ideas and movements of modern culture, whether these were aimed at the conservation of tradition or at forging innovation.  Many scholars remain fascinated by Jews’ participation in high culture and modernism around the fin-de-siècle: the works of Arthur Schnitzler, Sigmund Freud, and Stefan Zweig, to name only a few, continue to mark the landscape of international popular culture. And in recent years, commentators have noted a ‘re-invigoration’ or even ‘rebirth’ (Hope Herzog) of Jewish culture in Austria. They draw attention to high-profile authors and cultural figures whose activities often centre around Vienna (Robert Menasse, Robert Schindel, Eva Menasse, Doron Rabinovici, Ruth Beckermann, Matti Bunzl), as well as to institutional renewal that draws upon the cultural history of Austria’s Jews in new and challenging ways (for example, the renovation of the Jewish Museum in Vienna, the Jüdische Kulturwochen, the Jewish Museum in Hohenems and the Jewish History Institute in St Pölten).

Antisemitism past and present continues to be an emotive and problematic factor in Austrian public discourse, as was amply demonstrated by the controversies surrounding the renaming of the Karl-Lueger-Ring in Vienna as Universitätsring in 2012/13, and the establishment of the Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies as an international documentation and research hub for studies on Jewish persecution and antisemitism. Recent violent attacks on Jews in France and Denmark have raised awareness in Austria of antisemitism as a Europe-wide problem, lending increased urgency to discussions within Austria itself.

As Austrians engage with their Jewish past and present, the need for public debate and scholarly discussion of Jewish cultural studies and identity politics continues to grow. In the light of these developments, Austrian Studies 24 (2016) invites proposals for papers dedicated to investigating manifestations and negotiations of Jewish culture and Jewish difference in the Austrian context. Although discussions of contemporary Austria are particularly welcome, contributions on under-researched aspects of the rich and varied Jewish past of the Habsburg lands from the eighteenth century onwards are also invited. Contributors are encouraged to show their awareness of the shifting boundaries of what is or was considered Jewish (and by whom) at any particular point in Austrian history.

Topics could include:

  • case studies of individual works or writers, artists and cultural figures
  • case studies of Jewish communities and their cultural interactions
  • definitions of ‘Jewish’ and ‘Austrian’ culture – how are we to conceive of the relationship between these two categories? What new questions can we ask to help us understand their limitations?
  • Investigations of how using Jewish difference as an analytic category (that is, as the dialectical, hierarchical framework that encompasses the relationship between the socially constructed categories of “Jew” and “non-Jew”) help us avoid essentializing our understandings of what is “Jewish” in Austrian culture. How does Jewish difference intersect with other analytic categories such as gender and class to help us understand and interpret the history and culture of Jews in Austria?
  • The purchase of the past on the present, in particular in post-1945 Austria
  • Memorialization, documentation and public display of Jewish life and culture in Austria before and/or after the Holocaust
  • Comparison of Austrian and German Jewish culture, history, traditions.

Expressions of interest, including a provisional title and a proposal of no more than 300 words should be sent to Deborah Holmes and Lisa Silverman by 15 May 2015. The submission deadline for articles is 15 November 2015 for publication in autumn 2016. Austrian Studies is a peer-reviewed yearbook published in English under the auspices of the Modern Humanities Research Association. It adheres to the MHRA style guidelines (

Appel à contribution : The Perception of the Shoah in East Central Europe

Vous trouverez ci-dessous l’appel à contribution pour le workshop doctoral (30 novembre – 1er décembre 2015 à Halle, en Allemagne) organisé par le centre d’études polonaise Aleksander Brückner de Halle : Suppressed Historiography, Erased Memory? The Perception of the Shoah in East Central Europe during Socialist Rule.

Les candidatures sont à envoyer avant le 22 mars 2015, en anglais.

Call for Papers

Suppressed Historiography, Erased Memory? The Perception of the Shoah in East Central Europe during Socialist Rule

November 30 to December 1, 2015
Halle, Germany

In Holocaust and Memory Studies the assumption prevails that in the socialist states of Eastern Europe the Shoah was either not an object of historical research and publicmemory at all or that is has been falsified, politically exploited or rendered taboo. However, a closer look reveals that such views are far too simplistic. From the late 1940s through the 1980s historical studies, memoirs, reports and newspaper articles ont he Shoah appeared in these countries, not to mention that some of the most known literary works on the issue originated from the eastern side of the iron curtain and were written by authors such as Imre Kertész, Jurek Becker, Ota Filip or Hanna Krall. The boom of Jewish culture in the 1980s was also not restricted to North America and Western Europe. It stimulated debates on the destruction of European Jewry in Eastern Europe – in state-controlled media as well as in the uncensored press of dissidents andoppositionists. The perception of the Shoah in East Central Europe was thus a dynamic process which was influenced by a variety of internal and transnational factors.

This situation leads so several questions such as the following:

How was the Shoah perceived in socialist states? How was it researched, commemorated and discussed? How did perceptions differ from western ones, to what degree were they similar to each other or even entangled? How did Shoah perceptions change over time? Was the study and memory of the Shoah connected to political, socialor cultural trends? How did specific political and social, but also religious communities remember and discuss the Shoah?

These questions will be discussed during a workshop at the Aleksander Brückner Center for Polish Studies in Halle (Germany) from November 30 to December 1, 2015. The geographical focus of the conference is on East Central Europe, namely Poland, Czechoslovakia, East Germany and Hungary. However, proposals on neighboring countries, such as the Soviet Union or Romania, will also be considered.

Special attention will be given to:

1. Historiography and Documentation (Research Institutions or single Researchers, Museums and Memorials)

2. Political instrumentalization of research and memory of the Shoah

3. (Semi-)Public debates on the Shoah

4. Reflections on the Shoah in the Arts and Literature and their reception

Experienced scholars as well as doctoral students from the humanities and social sciences are invited to submit a proposal in English of 500 words maximum explainingthe paper’s main hypothesis and the sources used, as well as a short CV by 22 March 2015. Please address proposals and questions to:

Travel expenses and accommodation will be covered by the organizers.

Merci à Audrey Kichelewski pour avoir partagé cette information avec nous.

Appel à contribution : Yiddishism: Mythologies and Iconographies

PosterL’institut historique juif Emanuel Ringelblum de Varsovie et la maison de la culture yiddish – bibliothèque Medem lancent un appel à candidature dans le cadre d’une conférence internationale qui aura lieu à l’Institut historique juif de Varsovie les 15 et 16 novembre 2015 et intitulée :  Yiddishism: Mythologies and Iconographies.

Le comité scientifique de la conférence est composé des Pr. Mikhail Krutikov (Michigan University), Dr. Yitskhok Niborski (INALCO), Pr. Simon Neuberg (Universität Trier), Pr. Eugenia Prokop-Janiec (Jagiellonian University), Dr. Joanna Nalewajko-Kulikov (Polish Academy of Sciences).

Vous trouverez l’appel à proposition ci-dessous (en anglais) ou sur le site de l’Institut (avec également la version yiddish). Les candidatures – en anglais ou en yiddish – sont à envoyer avant le 4 mai.




Yiddishism: Mythologies and Iconographies

ייִדישיזם: מיטאָלאָגיעס און איקאָנאָגראַפֿיעס

 15–16 November 2015, Warsaw

The Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw and the Paris Yiddish Center and Medem Library invite paper proposals for an international conference, Yiddishism: Mythologies and Iconographies, which will take place at the Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw, 15–16 November 2015.
Literary critic Naftole Vaynig observed in his essay The Myth of Yiddishism (1932) that modern Yiddish culture was in need of a myth that “would not only personify or incarnate the ideas of the movement, but also serve as a road map, and produce an incentive to stimulate activities at both personal and interpersonal levels, giving the Yiddishist movement legitimacy and a raison d’être.”
Emerging in Eastern Europe in the late nineteenth century, Yiddishism sought to establish Yiddish as a Jewish national language and to fight for its cultural validity both internally, within the multilingual Jewish community, and externally, with respect to non-Jewish cultures. The construction and propagation of yiddishist myths was a key strategy in the quest for legitimization and consolidation of that movement. The making of what can be termed a “yiddishist mythology” was at work in the production of both high and popular Yiddish culture, in philological, ethnological and historical research, in literary criticism and in everyday practices. Some of these phenomena, such as the myth of the shtetl or the mythologization of the Czernowitz Conference, have already been researched, while others have received little scholarly attention.

The “Yiddishism: Mythologies and Iconographies” conference will take a critical look at the creation, propagation and transformation of Yiddishist myths from the late 19th century up to the present. We welcome submissions of papers in Yiddish or English dealing with historical and literary narratives that emerged around certain personalities, objects, social practices, events or institutions; papers analyzing mechanisms of mythologization within the social imaginary and its canon-building agencies (including schools, research institutions, museums, associations and societies). The papers may deal with diverse fields of political and cultural activities, as well as visual and discursive practices. Within the visual arts, this may include applied arts, design, art collections and photography; and among discursive practices; literature, literary criticism, cultural and social discussions and school curricula, political programs and agendas, social diagnosis, research projects and paradigms.

Conference co-organizers are Karolina Szymaniak (The Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute), Natalia Krynicka (Paris Yiddish Center — Medem Library), Tal Hever-Chybowski (Paris Yiddish Center — Medem Library).

The conference committee: Prof. Mikhail Krutikov (Michigan University), Dr Yitskhok Niborski (INALCO), Prof. Simon Neuberg (Universität Trier), Prof. Eugenia Prokop-Janiec (Jagiellonian University), Dr. Joanna Nalewajko-Kulikov (Polish Academy of Sciences).


Scholars interested in presenting a paper should send an abstract (300 words) and a short bio statement (200 words) by 4 May 2015 to Applications must be either in Yiddish or in English. Decisions and notifications of acceptance will be sent by the 15th May 2015.
A limited number of scholarships will be allocated to cover a portion of travel and accommodation costs. These scholarships are meant especially for young scholars and students from Central and Eastern Europe. Please indicate in your application if you would also like to be considered for a scholarship.

 The Yiddishism: Mythologies and Iconographies is a part of The Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute’s project concerning the Yiddishist intelligentsia in the Polish lands run by the Institute’s Yiddish Culture Department.  The conference partners are The Polish Association for Yiddish Studies and The Michal Friedman Foundation for Yiddish and Hebrew Literatures in Poland.

The Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute
For more information, please visit:

The Paris Yiddish Center — Medem Library
For more information, please visit:

The Polish Association for Yiddish Studies
For more information, please visit:

The Michal Friedman Foundation
For more information, please visit:


Merci à Audrey Kichelewski pour avoir partagé cette information avec nous.


Childhood during World War II – a Comparative Perspective : Appel à contribution

Vous trouverez ci-dessous l’appel à contribution pour la conférence sur l’enfance pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale qui aura lieu à Leipzig du 12 au 14 novembre 2015. Elle sera organisée par le “Lehrstuhl Geschichtsdidaktik am Historischen Seminar” de l’Université de Leipzig et l’institut Hannah Arendt pour la recherche sur le totalitarisme, de l’Université de Dresde.

La troisième section de la conférence sera consacrée aux conséquences de l’expérience de guerre sur l’évolution des enfants. Comment ces personnes, enfants pendant la guerre, ont-elles influencé la société d’après-guerre ? Les besoins de ces jeunes, qui ont connu la violence, la perte et la destruction, ont-ils été compris ? Y-a-t-il eu une différence de prise en charge de ces jeunes entre les pays du bloc occidental avec celui de l’Est ?

La quatrième section sera quant à elle consacrée aux manières dont les médias ont évoqué l’enfance après la guerre.

Les propositions sont à envoyer en allemand ou en anglais avant le 1er avril 2015.

Ci-dessous l’appel à contribution en anglais. Vous trouverez la version allemande sur le site H-SOZ-U-KULT.

CfP: Childhood during World War II – a Comparative Perspective (Kindheit im Zweiten Weltkrieg – eine vergleichende Perspektive)

By the congress “Childhood during World War II – a Comparative Perspective” the Hannah-Arendt-Institute and the Chair for History Didactics of the University of Leipzig deal with a multi-faceted and promising topical complex. Increasingly since the 1990s – by applying methods of qualitative research, among others – historians, psycho-analysts, sociologists, educationalists and literary scientists have been dealing with the reports and experiences of the generation of war children. This holds for almost all states in Europe. The congress is meant to discuss and, most of all, bring together newly gained insights on the topic. This way an attempt is made to internationalise the history of children during World War II which, for the time being, has mainly been told from the point of view of the respective national states.
During World War II, children on all sides became victims. However, it is important – and requires much sensitivity – to distinguish between survival in a ghetto, in a forced labour or concentration camp, in an occupied zone, at the “home front”, in a city or in the countryside, in an air shelter or at the front. Depending on the group one belonged to, the generation of children in Europe experienced violence, hardship and misery in different ways. However, children must primarily be understood as actors. Purposefully, there has been the decision for a wide range of possible topics, to include recent studies and new scientific questions.

The first section will be dedicated to the manifold history of childhood during World War II. The contributions are supposed to focus particularly on comparisons of realms of experience. Consequently, those spaces are supposed to be particularly considered from which there developed contradicting or even common influences. Of crucial importance for all topical contributions is the perception of the end of the war: the shock felt by one person given the violent collapse of a certainty of conviction was contrasted by another person’s feeling of newly gained freedom after years of traumatising suffering and persecution. However, are there also common patterns of experience of this generation, beyond this dichotomy?

The second section will focus on topics covering a trans-national dimension. In the course of World War II national borders were violently crossed, practically dissolved and redrawn, after all. Families were separated, children torn out of their familiar lifeworlds. The contributions will discuss deportation, flight and expulsion, but also trans-national initiatives after the end of the war – for example family reunification.

The third section will deal with the effects of war experience. The contributions are supposed to discuss the question if, when and in which ways the experiences of the youngest generation influenced post-war societies. After 1945, and possibly particularly in the period of reconstruction, there were effects of collective suppression, and the older generation did not take serious how much the children and young people were influenced by violence, loss and destruction. The congress is supposed to discuss the ways in which the war children were dealt with in the states of the Eastern and Western Blocs and if there were differences between East and West. On the other hand, it is well possible that traumata even worked as catalysts for upheaval and change. Do, as one might ask further, certain developments or events in the societies of Europe result from the experiences of this generation?

The fourth section will deal with the ways in which the media covered childhood after this war. Exemplary case examples from film, broadcast or literature are supposed to be presented, analysed and discussed. By way of a media-historical approach common grounds will be discussed, but also differences of historical evaluation and remembrance in individual post-war societies in Europe.

The congress will be concluded by an evening panel debate. Historians who at the same time are capable of acting as contemporary witnesses will tell about their childhood experiences as well as about their experiences in the post-war period. On this occasion, crucial issues of the congress are supposed to be raised once more: how the former war children were dealt with in the time after 1945, the issue of this generation possibly being influenced by their war experience, the issue of long-term processes of social change, or also the question if – despite different national horizons of remembrance – something like a European remembrance of childhood during war is developing.

2015 will mark the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II. On that occasion, the Hannah-Arendt-Institute and the Chair of History Didactics of the University of Leipzig intend the above described congress, to which we invite colleagues who would like to present (recent) research results and currently running studies. The congress will provide the opportunity to present ideas for new projects on comparative
international or national issues.
The congress language will be German, but lectures may also be given in English. The contributions to the workshop will be brought together by a compilation which is supposed to be published in 2016.
The congress will happen from November 12th to 14th, 2015, in the Lecture Hall of the Albertina in Leipzig. Lectures are supposed to be no longer than 20 minutes. The lecturers will be paid a fee for their lectures as well as 15 pages of manuscript; travel expenses and accommodation will be taken over by the HAIT. Interested researchers are invited to digitally hand in an exposé (max. 2,000 char.) as well as a short overview of their scientific career at the following addresses:

The deadline is April 1st, 2015.