Archives par mot-clé : Allemagne

‘Survivors’ – Politics and Semantics of a Concept : Appel à contribution

Le Centre d’études juives de Berlin-Brandenburg – en coopération avec le Centre pour la recherche sur l’antisémitisme (de l’Université Technique de Berlin) et le DAAD – lance un appel à contribution pour son workshop Survivors’ – Politics and Semantics of a Concept qui aura lieu les 20 et 21 novembre 2014 à Berlin.

Le workshop est organisé par Alina Bothe and Markus Nesselrodt. Les chercheurs Atina Grossmann, Stefanie Schüler-Springorum et Anne Rothe y participeront.
Les candidatures doivent être soumises avant le 1er avril 2014 et doivent comprendre  : une proposition en anglais ou en allemand de 300 à 500 mots (pour une intervention de 20 minutes) et un CV académique.

Call for Papers

‘Survivors’ – Politics and Semantics of a Concept

The current understanding of the term ‘survivor’ in social and cultural studies includes various layers of  meaning. In the German discourse ‘survivors’ are often understood as those who were persecuted as Jews by the National Socialists in the years 1939-1945 and survived the war in Germany and Nazi-occupied Europe. Those who were able to escape and survive in exile are classified as ‘refugees’ or ‘emigrants’. The University of Southern California Shoah Foundation applies a broader concept of the term ‘survivors’ which includes all Jewish interviewees regardless of the variety of their experiences. Both examples illustrate the impact of a collective attribution by others to the status of being a ‘survivor’. In addition to the already widely discussed categories of victims and witnesses the concept ‘survivor’ still needs further discussion.

Taking into account the multiple self-narratives of Shoah survivors opens new possibilities of understanding survival. The Jewish Displaced Persons in occupied post World War II Europe identified themselves initially as She’erit Hapletah, the ‘surviving remnant’ of European Jewry. Following this self-definition, all remaining European Jews belonged to this collective; a formulation that stressed unity after catastrophe and effaced the many differences in wartime experiences of survival. Those who survived the war as refugees or deportees in the Soviet Union also became part of the She’erit Hapletah when they were repatriated to their countries of origin, especially Poland, from where, finding only a “vast graveyard” and renewed antisemitism, many fled again. Even as they became the majority in the Jewish Displaced Persons Camps of occupied Europe, their specific experiences and memories were marginalized. Scholars have only recently begun to examine (and re-examine) the complex set of historical experiences and meanings attached to the the concept and definitions of ‘survivor’ and survival.

The workshop will focus on the different semantic and political meanings of the concept of ’survivor’ since World War II. It is necessary to critically analyze the different disciplinary, historical, and national understandings of the term. These questions are not new but need to be asked once again from a contemporary perspective. The political and social conditions that provide individuals a public forum for their memories will be considered as well. In many countries there has been a broadening of the concept of ‘survivor‘ over the decades, very often related to discussions about remembrance and restitution. What strategies and policies stand behind this change, and how does the semantic opening work in practice?

Possible topics for contributions include:

– juridical definitions of the term ’survivor‘ and the consequences ;
– other definitions of the term and their effectiveness ;
– Jewish and non-Jewish understandings of the ’survivor’ ;
– reparations and compensation for survivors ;
– gaps and taboos in survivor’s narratives and memories ;
– function and role of ’survivors‘ in national memorial cultures ;
– national and transnational conditions of the ’invention‘ of the ’survivor’ ;
– survivors as historians, writers, politicians ;
– the impact of gender on semantics and politics of the concept ;
– how does media affect the memory of survival ;
– how do current political questions and anxieties shape debates about definitions of survivors?

Confirmed keynote speakers for the workshop are:

Dr Atina Grossmann (Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, New York, DAAD Walter Benjamin Visiting Professor)
Dr Stefanie Schüler-Springorum (Director of the Berlin Institute of Technology Center for
Dr Anne Rothe (Associate Professor of German, Wayne State University, Detroit)

The workshop will be held in German and English. Selected contributions will be published.

Funding will be available only on a limited basis and by request.

Please submit your proposal of 300-500 words for a paper of 20 minutes length together with your institutional affiliation and your academic CV by April 1, 2014 via e-mail to Alina Bothe:

Participants will be notified by May 1, 2014.

Littérature juive allemande après 1945 : Appel à contribution

La “German Studies Association” (GSA) lance un appel à contribution pour sa conférence annuelle qui aura lieu du 18 au 21 septembre 2014 à Kansas City. Un de ses séminaire portera sur la littérature juive allemande après 1945.

Les candidatures sont à envoyer avant le 30 janvier 2014 à :

Lutz Koepnick, Chair (Vanderbilt University) :
Elisabeth Herrmann (University of Alberta) :
Emre Sencer (Knox College) :

“German-Jewish Literature after 1945: Working Through and Beyond the Holocaust”

German Studies Association Annual Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri

Sept 18th-21st, 2014

Conveners: Helen Finch (University of Leeds), Katja Garloff (Reed College), Erin McGlothlin (Washington University in St. Louis) and Agnes Mueller (University of South Carolina).

Scholars interested in participating are invited to apply by January 30th through the German Studies Association website:

Seminar size: 12-15 participants

This seminar examines the creation of a ‘new’ German-Jewish literature in the wake of 1945. Its aims are twofold: to create a robust and close network of scholars working on related aspects of German-Jewish literature, and to create a volume examining the central questions to be discussed at the seminar in 2014. It is particularly concerned with the following intersecting set of questions:

German-Jewish literature?

o  How can we re-interrogate the terms ‘Jewish’ and ‘German’, particularly as these identities reconstituted themselves in the wake of 1945?

German-Jewish literature working through the Holocaust:

o  What relation did German-Jewish literature post-1945 bear to the tradition of German-Jewish literature that existed prior to the Holocaust?

o  How did German-Jewish literature by exiles relate to literature written by remigrants?

o  How does German-Jewish Holocaust literature relate to transnational questions about Holocaust literature, especially since this literature is by definition transnational? Here, we think for example, of Jean Améry’s correspondence with Primo Levi, or the ways in which Edgar Hilsenrath was received outside the German-speaking world.

German-Jewish literature beyond the Holocaust:

o  To what extent did the caesura of 1989 create a renewed impetus in German-Jewish literature?

o  Can we speak of generational discourses within German-Jewish literature? How has literature by Jewish immigrants to Germany after 1989 (such as Maxim Biller, Julya Rabinovitch) reconfigured the German-Jewish literary landscape in particular its relationship to the Holocaust and to the German past?

o  To what extent can we now speak of a transnational, hybrid or cosmopolitan German-Jewish literature?

German-Jewish literature in canon

o  To what extent has the Holocaust influenced the creation of a new “canon” of German-Jewish literature after 1945? What topics and authors became “canonized,” and which fell out of favor? What methodological tools, such as Bourdieusian “field” theory or the analyses of the German canon initiated by Saul and Schmidt (2007), can help us to interrogate the formation of such a canon and how its status might have shifted in the period 1945-present?

o  How does German-Jewish literature relate to Jewish literatures outside Germany and in other languages? Does literature written in the German language have an uncomfortable relationship to post-war Jewish literatures?

o  How does German-Jewish literature interact with the wider canon of post-1945 German-language literature?

o  How has German-Jewish literature travelled, transferred or been re-mediated in the digital age?

The seminar will meet three times over the three days of the conference.

Participants will be asked to read pre-circulated position papers of ca. 1000 words each, sent by each of the participants one month in advance of the conference.  Suggested readings will be distributed to all participants in early February.

Participants will be asked to submit their position papers by July 1, 2014, giving the convenors time to read and comment on these initially. Position papers will be distributed to all participants by August 1, 2014, along with a proposal for a volume based on the submissions.

The first seminar will be dedicated to a discussion of the readings and the key questions arising from the topic. The subsequent two sessions will be dedicated to reading and discussion of the position papers. The final session will also discuss the volume to emerge from the seminar, including prospective publishers.

Jahrbuch für Antisemitismusforschung 22 (2013)

Le Zentrum für Antisemitismusforschung (Centre de recherche sur l’antisémitisme) de l’Université technique de Berlin publie chaque année un numéro regroupant des articles sur l’antisémitisme, mais aussi sur le nazisme, les persécutions, la Shoah, l’émigration, l’exil…

Une des thématiques principales du numéro de l’année 2013 est : “Culpabilité – Expiation – Droit”, avec les articles suivants :

– “Ein Anwalt der Opfer? Der Jüdische Weltkongress und das Problem einer jüdischen Interessenvertretung bei den Nürnberger Prozessen”, de Laura Jockusch ;

– “Kulturelles Erbe und rechtliche Anerkennung. Die Jewish Cultural Reconstruction, Inc. nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg”, d’Elisabeth Gallas ;

– “”Jüdische Rache”? Wahrnehmungen des Nürnberger Hauptkriegsverbrecherprozesses durch Angeklagte, Verteidiger und die deutsche Bevölkerung 1945/46″, de Ulrike Weckel ;

– “”…but of revenge not a sign”. Germans’ Fear of Jewish Revenge after World War II”, de Mark Roseman.

Pour consulter l’ensemble de la table des matières, rendez-vous sur le site H-SOZ-U-KULT.