Archives de catégorie : Appels à contribution

Littérature juive allemande après 1945 : Appel à contribution

La “German Studies Association” (GSA) lance un appel à contribution pour sa conférence annuelle qui aura lieu du 18 au 21 septembre 2014 à Kansas City. Un de ses séminaire portera sur la littérature juive allemande après 1945.

Les candidatures sont à envoyer avant le 30 janvier 2014 à :

Lutz Koepnick, Chair (Vanderbilt University) :
Elisabeth Herrmann (University of Alberta) :
Emre Sencer (Knox College) :

“German-Jewish Literature after 1945: Working Through and Beyond the Holocaust”

German Studies Association Annual Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri

Sept 18th-21st, 2014

Conveners: Helen Finch (University of Leeds), Katja Garloff (Reed College), Erin McGlothlin (Washington University in St. Louis) and Agnes Mueller (University of South Carolina).

Scholars interested in participating are invited to apply by January 30th through the German Studies Association website:

Seminar size: 12-15 participants

This seminar examines the creation of a ‘new’ German-Jewish literature in the wake of 1945. Its aims are twofold: to create a robust and close network of scholars working on related aspects of German-Jewish literature, and to create a volume examining the central questions to be discussed at the seminar in 2014. It is particularly concerned with the following intersecting set of questions:

German-Jewish literature?

o  How can we re-interrogate the terms ‘Jewish’ and ‘German’, particularly as these identities reconstituted themselves in the wake of 1945?

German-Jewish literature working through the Holocaust:

o  What relation did German-Jewish literature post-1945 bear to the tradition of German-Jewish literature that existed prior to the Holocaust?

o  How did German-Jewish literature by exiles relate to literature written by remigrants?

o  How does German-Jewish Holocaust literature relate to transnational questions about Holocaust literature, especially since this literature is by definition transnational? Here, we think for example, of Jean Améry’s correspondence with Primo Levi, or the ways in which Edgar Hilsenrath was received outside the German-speaking world.

German-Jewish literature beyond the Holocaust:

o  To what extent did the caesura of 1989 create a renewed impetus in German-Jewish literature?

o  Can we speak of generational discourses within German-Jewish literature? How has literature by Jewish immigrants to Germany after 1989 (such as Maxim Biller, Julya Rabinovitch) reconfigured the German-Jewish literary landscape in particular its relationship to the Holocaust and to the German past?

o  To what extent can we now speak of a transnational, hybrid or cosmopolitan German-Jewish literature?

German-Jewish literature in canon

o  To what extent has the Holocaust influenced the creation of a new “canon” of German-Jewish literature after 1945? What topics and authors became “canonized,” and which fell out of favor? What methodological tools, such as Bourdieusian “field” theory or the analyses of the German canon initiated by Saul and Schmidt (2007), can help us to interrogate the formation of such a canon and how its status might have shifted in the period 1945-present?

o  How does German-Jewish literature relate to Jewish literatures outside Germany and in other languages? Does literature written in the German language have an uncomfortable relationship to post-war Jewish literatures?

o  How does German-Jewish literature interact with the wider canon of post-1945 German-language literature?

o  How has German-Jewish literature travelled, transferred or been re-mediated in the digital age?

The seminar will meet three times over the three days of the conference.

Participants will be asked to read pre-circulated position papers of ca. 1000 words each, sent by each of the participants one month in advance of the conference.  Suggested readings will be distributed to all participants in early February.

Participants will be asked to submit their position papers by July 1, 2014, giving the convenors time to read and comment on these initially. Position papers will be distributed to all participants by August 1, 2014, along with a proposal for a volume based on the submissions.

The first seminar will be dedicated to a discussion of the readings and the key questions arising from the topic. The subsequent two sessions will be dedicated to reading and discussion of the position papers. The final session will also discuss the volume to emerge from the seminar, including prospective publishers.

Young Scholars Workshop on the History and Culture of Polish Jews : Appel à contribution

Young Scholars Workshop on the History and Culture of Polish Jews


Depuis 2008, le workshop “Pologne-Israël” propose aux doctorants et jeunes docteurs de se réunir deux fois par an autour de la thématique suivante : Histoire et culture des Juifs polonais.

Ce workshop donne l’opportunité à ces jeunes chercheurs de présenter leurs travaux en cours, de recevoir l’avis de chercheurs confirmés et de rencontrer des personnes issues d’autres institutions que les leurs.

Cette année le workshop est accueilli par l’Université de Wroclaw (Pologne), en coopération avec des institutions israéliennes (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv University, Bar Ilan University) et polonaises (Jagiellonian University in Kraków). Il se tiendra du lundi 23 juin au mercredi 25 juin 2014.

Date limite du dépôt des candidatures : 15 janvier 2014. Le contenu du dossier à présenter est décrit dans l’appel à participation ci-dessous.

Call for papers

Since its first meeting in Kibbutz Ma’ale HaHamishah in 2008, the Bi-Annual Poland-Israel Workshop on the History and Culture of Polish Jews has succeeded in creating a vibrant, dynamic and supportive academic community for the next generation of scholars of Polish Jewry. Through these and related frameworks, including a second workshop in Kraków in 2010 and a third workshop in Sdot-Yam in 2012, doctoral students and recent PhD’s have had the opportunity to present their work, receive critical feedback from other scholars and meet colleagues from other centers.

The fourth Bi-Annual Poland-Israel Workshop on the History and Culture of Polish Jews will be hosted and organized by the University of Wrocław, in cooperation with other academic institutions in Israel (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv University, Bar Ilan University) and in Poland (Jagiellonian University in Kraków).

The workshop will take place at Wielka Lipa near Wrocław from Monday, June 23 – Wednesday, June 25, 2014 and will include presentations by doctoral students and post-doctoral scholars, responses by senior scholars, discussions and cultural activities. The program will begin with an opening event on Monday afternoon, June 23 and will be followed by two days of presentations and discussions. The workshop will conclude on Wednesday, June 25 in Wrocław with sessions held in Wrocław and a sightseeing tour of the town.

Participants will receive room and board for the duration of the program at the guest house in Wielka Lipa. In some cases, program organizers will be able to provide travel stipends for students from Israel.

Interested candidates should submit an electronic application in English to the Department of Jewish Studies, University of Wrocław ( by no later than January 15, 2014. Applications should consist of one Word or PDF file and include: a letter of interest, a 1-2 page abstract of their research proposal, and a short CV. A letter of recommendation by the student’s supervisor should be sent directly to the conference organizers.

Although the workshop is geared toward doctoral students and post-doctoral scholars affiliated with universities in Poland and Israel, students from other countries working on relevant topics are also encouraged to apply.

The organizing committee of the University of Wrocław includes: Dr. Agnieszka Jagodzińska, Lidia Jerkiewicz, Dr. Joanna Lisek, Prof. Marcin Wodziński.

For further details please contact Ms. Lidia Jerkiewicz at the Department of Jewish Studies, University of Wrocław (

“Disturbing Pasts” : Appel à contribution

Disturbing Pasts : Reverberations of the Second World War in Europe after 1945

Le groupe de recherche “Reverberations of War in Germany and Europe since 1945”  (sous la direction de Pr. Mary Fulbrook et de Dr. Stephanie Bird de l’UCL) de l’University College London (UCL) lance un appel à communication pour la conférence “Disturbing Pasts : Reverberations of the Second World War in Europe after 1945” qui aura lieu à Londres les 3 et 4 juillet 2014.

Les propositions d’intervention (texte de 400 mots en anglais, accompagné d’une courte biographie) sont à soumettre avant le 1er décembre 2013. Voir la fin de l’appel à communication pour plus d’informations.

Call for papers

This conference sets out to explore the complex and diverse reverberations of the Second World War after 1945. The notion of  “disturbing pasts” refers to the experience of war and violence. But the aim is to understand how and why these experiences continue to disturb a later present, and how some people later disturb an apparently dormant
past. The focus is on conflicting, unexpected and often dissonant interpretations and representations of these events among both those who were the witnesses, victims and perpetrators of these events and among different communities in the generations that followed. On a theoretical level, therefore, one objective of this conference is to raise challenges to the widely used and yet under-theorized concept of “collective memory”.

For the purposes of this conference, “disturbance” is addressed on three different levels which interrelate in what might be called a “dialectics of disturbance”:

1- Those aspects of the past that remain disturbing, however hard people try to repress, forget, contain or silence this past;
2- The ways in which people later actively ‘disturb’ this past; processes of confronting, interacting and dealing with the past, that in turn affect and alter how it is perceived and what its implications are for a later present;
3- The often disturbing ethical questions raised in relation to the role of the analyst, historian and writer confronting this past.

We invite submissions that address one or several of the issues relating to disturbance, including but not limited to the following subjects:

TRANSMISSION: How are experiences of war and violence transmitted between and across communities and generations?
EMBODIMENTS: How were the experiences of war and violence and their memories inscribed onto the human body? How is the body used to make sense of or deal with these experiences, whether in daily life or in artistic interventions?
REPRESENTATION – How are the experiences of war and violence represented in various media (films, literature, memorials, autobiographical accounts, press) and what is the wider impact of these representations on changing social perceptions?
DISPLACEMENT AND IDENTIFICATION: How did people interpret and deal with the experience of losing their home and making a new one elsewhere?
What roles do place/space play for identification and identity construction?

Preference will be given to proposals adopting interdisciplinary, transnational or comparative approaches and/or developing distinctive theoretical perspectives.

Please submit a 400 word abstract to :

Dr Julia Wagner
and Dr Christiane Wienand

before 1st December 2013.

Please also include a brief biography, as well as details of current institutional affiliation, and email address.

Successful applicants will be notified by 15th January 2014.

Limited funding for the cost of accommodation and travel is available for those within Europe only. Applicants from overseas should bear in mind that they will need to apply for alternative sources of funding to cover their travel costs.

Papers will be pre-circulated. It is envisaged that a selection of conference papers may be published.

“Écritures de la destruction” : Appel à contributions

Écritures de la destruction dans le monde judéo-polonais de la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale à la fin des années soixante : productions, trajectoires, réseaux // Writing the Destruction in the Polish-Jewish World from the End of World War 2 to the Late 1960s: Productions, Trajectories, Networks.

Appel en français


Organisé autour du programme ANR centré sur l’étude multidisciplinaire de la collection de livres en yiddish « Dos Poylishe Yidntum », publiée par Mark Turkow à Buenos Aires entre 1946 et 1966, ce colloque voudrait réunir un ensemble de travaux consacrés aux écritures et aux écrits de la destruction dès la fin de la guerre en Europe, dans les diasporas juives et en Israël, par les survivants d’un monde juif polonais essentiellement yiddishophone.

Argumentaire. Par écritures de la destruction, on entend ici à la fois des écritures sur la « Catastrophe » (khurbn), produites dans le temps même des événements ou par la suite (collectes de témoignages, écrits du souvenir), et des écritures sur « l’avant », faisant exister un espace géographique et des formes de vie sociale désormais disparus, que leur publication et leur diffusion dans les années d’après-guerre chargent d’un sens particulier, en écho avec la Catastrophe récente.

Leurs auteurs ont été formés dans le monde judéo-polonais – qui s’étend, du nord au sud, de la mer baltique à la Galicie et, d’est en ouest, des rives du Dniepr à la Posnanie – passé depuis le début du siècle de la culture communautaire et religieuse du shtetl à une culture sécularisée alors que le yiddish, langue populaire, se muait dans le même temps en un outil social, politique et intellectuel de communication avec les masses, d’affirmation identitaire et de création littéraire. Dans les centres du judaïsme polonais (Varsovie, Cracovie, Vilnius, Lvov) devenus centres de la vie intellectuelle, ont émergé des institutions, des groupes, des personnalités qui ont incarné une culture juive polonaise à dominante yiddishophone mais intrinsèquement multilingue.

L’objet de ce colloque est de questionner la manière dont les auteurs issus de ce monde et ayant survécu à la Catastrophe écrivent la destruction, réinvestissant des modes de figurer et de raconter propres à cet avant détruit (en yiddish surtout, mais aussi dans d’autres langues), dans la grande diversité d’écrits qui furent alors produits ou publiés (poèmes, romans, récits, journaux, mémoires, Yisker bikher, livres d’histoire, reportages, théâtre). On tentera donc de prendre en compte cette diversité, non seulement pour y voir une indétermination générique qui serait propre à ce monde mais surtout pour constituer ces gestes d’écriture, de collecte, de publication comme autant d’événements faisant partie de l’histoire du khurbn.

Il s’agira de s’interroger à la fois sur une judéité polonaise qui s’efforce de continuer à exister hors de son ancrage d’origine – par les réseaux de publication et de diffusion, mais aussi par le maintien de codes d’écriture qui soudent auteurs et lecteurs en une même communauté imaginée – et sur la manière dont ces écrits, questionnant nos frontières génériques, aident à penser autrement la notion, apparue après-coup, de témoignage. Comment ces entreprises (commissions, maisons d’édition, revues), ces institutions (sociétés d’originaires, associations philanthropiques juives), ces acteurs (écrivains, journalistes, artistes) se sont-ils inscrits dans les conjonctures fortement politisées – mais différemment selon les lieux, entre l’Europe du rideau de fer et les centres de la diaspora juive – de l’après-guerre ? Que signifient à la fois la non prise en compte de ces écrits et de leur histoire et leur redécouverte récente, dans l’historiographie de la Shoah ? De quelle manière ces premiers écrits de la Catastrophe nous conduisent-ils à repenser l’histoire des écritures de la Shoah ?

Dans le sillage d’une actualité historiographique (l’ouvrage de Samuel D. Kassow sur Oyneg Shabes) et littéraire (la redécouverte de l’œuvre de Leib Rochman par Rachel Ertel) récente, à la fois française et internationale, ce colloque voudrait participer, par une démarche à la croisée de l’histoire et de la littérature, à la réévaluation du corpus foisonnant des écrits essentiellement yiddish qui marquèrent les lendemains de la Seconde guerre mondiale. Par sa spécificité, née d’une conjoncture culturelle exceptionnelle produite par la rencontre entre des traditions d’écritures judéo-polonaise et les conditions extrêmes de la Catastrophe, ce corpus amène à repenser nos grilles de lecture habituelles et se révèle fondamental dans l’écriture de l’histoire de l’après-guerre.

Axes privilégiés. Les axes suivants n’ont pas vocation à quadriller un territoire de recherche, ce ne sont que des perspectives indicatives pour formuler des propositions qui lieront à leur manière l’écriture sur le monde d’hier et sur sa destruction.

A. Le monde d’hier

Lieux de mémoires. Géographies d’un monde disparu

Savoirs du passé. Folklore, historiographies

Commémorer l’avant : lieux illustres, vies exemplaires

B. La catastrophe

Documenter, collecter

Dire, inscrire

Publier, diffuser

Institution organisatrice : EHESS (CRH)

Merci de faire parvenir, au plus tard le 15 décembre, vos propositions sous forme d’un résumé entre 500 et 1000 mots accompagné d’un bref CV à Judith Lindenberg ou Fleur Kuhn à l’adresse suivante : Pour toutes questions, écrire à cette adresse.

Date du colloque : 11-13 juin 2014

Comité scientifique : Tal Bruttmann, Anny Dayan Rosenman, Rachel Ertel, Samuel D. Kassow, Judith Lyon-Caen, Yitskhok Niborski, Annette Wieviorka

Comité d’organisation : Judith Lindenberg, Fleur Kuhn, Constance Paris de Bollardière, Éléonore Biezunski, Simon Perego

Call for papers


This conference is primarily linked to a transdisciplinary program funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR) about Dos Poylishe Yidntum, the Yiddish book series published by Mark Turkow in Buenos Aires between 1946 and 1966. Our project aims to gather research papers about a large variety of writings by Holocaust survivors from the Polish Jewish world, as early as the end of the war in Europe.

Topic. By using the term “Destruction Writings”, instead of Holocaust writings, we mean to be specific about the time period (the Second World War and its aftermath) and the places they were produced (in occupied and then liberated Eastern Europe, in the post-war Jewish Diasporas, in Israel). We thus refer to: 1. Khurbn writings, produced when events were happening – in camps, ghettos or in the underground -, and published after the war; 2. Writings about the “world of yesterday”, the world before the Catastrophe, which aimed to keep alive and vivid memory and knowledge about lost places and forms of social life. Those latter writings took on a specific meaning through their publication and diffusion in the post-war years, in resonance with the recent Catastrophe.

The authors of such writings received training in the Polish-Jewish world, which stretches from North to South, from the Baltic Sea to Galicia, and from East to West, from the banks of the Dnieper River to the area of the former province of Pozen. Initially shaped by the religious and community patterns of the shtetl, the culture of the Polish-Jewish world had become increasingly secular since the beginning of the Twentieth Century, while Yiddish, a vernacular language, was morphing into a social, political and intellectual instrument to communicate with the masses, assert the Jewish identity, and nurture literary creation.

The central places of Polish Judaism, such as Warsaw, Cracow, Vilnius, or Lvov, had become intellectual hubs and cradles for the emergence of institutions, groups, and figures embodying a brand of Jewish Polish culture that was mainly Yiddish-speaking but intrinsically multilingual.

The conference aims to investigate on how authors from the Polish-Jewish world who survived the Catastrophe re-appropriated prewar literary and historiographical traditions and trends to represent and tell what was specific to their time, as they wrote the Destruction – in Yiddish but in other languages as well— through, such as poems, novels, narratives, memoirs, Yizker Bikher, history books, reports, and plays. Participants are invited to consider such diversity, not only to argue that the literary production of the Polish-Jewish world is characteristically non genre-specific, but rather to look at these acts of writing, collecting, and publishing as many events making up the history of khurbn.

In order to enlarge our knowledge and understanding of the numerous and multiform “Destruction writings”, several issues can be raised:

1. How the Polish Jewish identity strove to exist outside its original setting, especially by keeping alive codes of writing that bind together authors and readers as they imagine their community into existence? And, because those writings challenge the way we conceive of genre boundaries, how such texts can help scholars to take a fresh look at the pervasive notion of “testimony” in its diverse uses?

2. “Destruction writings” were not produced by/did not come out from isolated individuals: they were encouraged and sometimes supervised by documentary projects (underground archives projects during the war, then historical commissions), they were issued by publishing houses and journals, they were supported by mutual-aid societies, landsmanshaftn, Jewish philanthropic associations; they involved professional writers, editors, journalists and artists. How should one consider those writings, people and institutions in the highly politicized contexts of the post-war years (though differently depending on location, Iron Curtain Europe contrasting sharply with the centers of the Jewish Diaspora) ?

3. How could one understand the unknown and obscurity in which those writings have remained for such a long time and their recent rediscovery by Holocaust historians and literary scholars ? How do the first texts on the Catastrophe lead us to rethink the history of the Shoah’s writings?

In the wake of recent historiographical and literary publications—i.e. Samuel D. Kassow’s work on Oyneg Shabes, and Rachel Ertel’s rediscovery of Leib Rochman’s work—both in France and abroad, through an approach that draws on history and literary studies, the conference’s goal is to contribute to reassessing the abundant body of mostly Yiddish writings that left their imprint on the post-war years. The specificity of these corpuses — born out of exceptional cultural circumstances that resulted from the encounter of Polish Jewish writing traditions and the extreme conditions created by the Catastrophe—leads us to reconsider our usual matrices of interpretation and proves to be central in writing the history of the post-war years.

Themes.The following themes are not meant to map a territory for research; they are only suggestions to help participants frame contributions focusing on the writings on yesterday’s world and its destruction.

A. Yesterday’s world

Places of memory. Geographies of a bygone world.

Knowledge of the past. Folklores, historiographies.

Commemorating the “time before”: famous places, exemplary lives

B. The Catastrophe

Documenting, collecting.

Telling, inscribing.

Publishing, diffusing.

Abstracts of 500-1000 words in French or English are requested by December, 15th, 2013. Please submit abstracts, along with a brief academic CV to Judith Lindenberg or Fleur Kuhn at Any further queries may be sent to the same address.

Organizing institution: EHESS (CRH)

Date of the conference : 11-13 June 2014

Scientific committee: Tal Bruttmann, Anny Dayan Rosenman, Rachel Ertel, Samuel D. Kassow, Judith Lyon-Caen, Yitskhok Niborski, Annette Wieviorka

Conference committee: Judith Lindenberg, Fleur Kuhn, Constance Paris de Bollardière, Éléonore Biezunski, Simon Perego