Le Leibniz Institute of European History de Mayence organise le 18 juillet 2014 à Cracovie une journée d’étude à propos de l’inscription, depuis 1979, d’Auschwitz-Birkenau sur la liste du patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO (World Heritage List).
Ci-dessous l’argumentaire de ce workshop ainsi que son programme, que l’on peut retrouver également sur le site de l’institution.
Le worskop se tiendra à partir de 9h à l’adresse suivante : Bursa im. Stanislawa Pigonia – Dom Profesorski, ul. Garbarska 7a, 31-131 Kraków.
Argumentaire du workshop :
After the adoption of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention in 1972, Poland was one of the most active members and one of those states submitting the first proposals to the new World Heritage list. The Polish nominations in 1978 included not only the old towns of Krakow and Warsaw, the Wielicka salt mine and the Bialowieza national park, but also the former concentration and extermination camp Auschwitz-Birkenau. This proposal was initially rejected, but already at the second session of the World Heritage Committee in 1979 the site named “Auschwitz concentration camp” was registered on the World Heritage List. The workshop “Auschwitz as World Heritage – UNESCO, Poland and History Politics” analyses the events that led to the inscription of Auschwitz-Birkenau in the World Heritage List and its further development as a World Heritage site. The focus is not only on assessing cultural and political processes at global and transnational levels, but also on investigating regional and national as well as locally rooted developments. Thus, the workshop will examine the changing role of Auschwitz remembrance in Poland in a historical perspective as well as history politics, heritage preservation and culture politics in an international context. Experts from different historical disciplines and social sciences, practitioners of conservation, and specialists dealing with the site convene in order to discuss implications of the Polish nomination of the Memorial and Museum Auschwitz- Birkenau for inscription in the World Heritage list in 1978. What consequences did the status “World Heritage site” have for Auschwitz-Birkenau? Can the entry of Auschwitz Concentration Camp on the World Heritage List in 1979 be read as an expression of the universalization of the Holocaust from the 1960s onward? Who used the World Heritage programme of UNESCO in this context to pursue global, national or local policies, with what aims and under what conditions?
The workshop is hosted by the research project “Knowledge of the World – Heritage of Mankind: The History of UNESCO Cultural and Natural Heritage” which started at the Leibniz Institute of European History in July 2013.
Programme du woskhop :
9:00 Johannes Paulmann: Welcome/ Andrea Rehling: Introduction
Panel 1: The changing role of Auschwitz Heritage in a historical perspectiveJulia Röttjer : Auschwitz-Birkenau as “dissonant” World Heritage since the 1970s
Jonathan Huener : The Politics and Culture of Commemoration at Auschwitz
Heidemarie Uhl : From the Margins to the Center of European and Global Memory: The Transformation of Holocaust Remembrance as historical context of Auschwitz- Birkenau Memorial
Marek Kucia : The Meanings of Auschwitz in Poland, 1945 to the Present14h15
Panel 2: Polish history politics and conservation of cultural heritage in an international contextDanuta Klosek-Kozlowska : The Spirit of Place and the Place of Spirits. Auschwitz-Birkenau former Nazi Death Camps
Piotr Trojanski : The problems of commemoration of Jewish victims at Auschwitz Memorial and Museum during the Communist time (1947-1989)
Marek Rawecki : Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum protection zones. Managing the legacy of the former death camp17:00
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Julia Maspero (29 juin 2014). 18 juillet 2014 : Auschwitz as World Heritage. UNESCO, Poland, and History Politics. Histoire des Juifs après 1945. Consulté le 10 décembre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/ph4b