24-26 avril 2014 : Interventions sur l’histoire des Juifs après 1945 au cours de l’ASN world convention


Aujourd’hui s’ouvre à l’Université Columbia à New York la 19e convention de l’Association pour les études des nationalités (Association for the Study of Nationalities, ASN). Pendant 3 jours (24-26 avril 2014), des doctorants et chercheurs du monde entier vont présenter leurs recherches sur le nationalisme, les questions d’appartenance ethnique, les conflits ethniques, les identités nationales, les diasporas, les migrations… L’attention est portée sur des régions telles que les Balkans, l’Europe centrale, la Russie, l’Ukraine, l’Eurasie, le Caucase, la Turquie, la Grèce, Chypre… Les invités sont issus de différentes disciplines, ce qui permet de croiser des problématiques propres aux sciences politiques, à l’histoire, l’anthropologie, la sociologie, les relations internationales, l’économie, la psychologie, la géographie, etc…


Vous trouverez ci-dessous la présentation de la convention ainsi qu’un lien vers son programme complet. Concernant, l’étude de l’histoire des Juifs, nous avons remarqué la tenue des interventions suivantes (en violet celles concernant directement l’histoire des Juifs après 1945) :


Jeudi 24 avril 2014


* Session II (13h20-15h20). Panel R10 : Jewish Lives in Russia and the Soviet Union: Personal Identities and State Policies
Dina Zisserman-Brodsky (Ben-Gurion U of the Negev, Israel) : The “Russian Peculiarities” of the Jewish Woman from Rostov-on-Don : Carl Jung’s Sabina Spielrein and the Russian Intelligentsia Discourse
Victoria Khiterer (Millersville U, US) : The October 1905 Pogroms and the Russian Authorities
Mihaly Kalman (Harvard U, US)The Ukrainian Sovnarkom’s Permanent Commission on : Combating Banditism and the Militarization of the Shtetls, 1921-1923
Alexander Burakovsky (Independent Researcher, New Jersey, US) : The Rukh Council of Nationalities, the Jewish Question and Ukrainian Independence
DISCUSSANT : Gennady Estraikh (NYU, US)


* Session III (16-18h). Panel CE19 : Academic Anti-Semitism in Romania, Past and Present
Peter Dan (Long Island U, US) : Keeping the Long Hate Alive: Antisemitism from the Perspective of Neuropsychology and Evolutionary Psychology
Adrian Cioflanca (Xenopol History Institute, Iasi, Romania) : Confronting Ex-Cathedra Antisemitism: Jewish Voices against Interwar Scholars Cuza and Paulescu
Felicia Waldman (U of Bucharest, Romania): The Life of Jewish Professors in Romanian Universities from Late 19th Century to the End of World War II
Michael Shafir (Babes-Bolyai U, Cluj-Napoca, Romania) : Unacademic Academics: Holocaust Deniers and Trivializers in Postcommunist Romania
DISCUSSANT : Mihai Chioveanu (U of Bucharest, Romania)


*Session IV (18h20-20h20). Panel BK22 : Rethinking Post-Communist Memory Politics: Reinvention, Prolongation, Equation
Daniela Koleva : (Sofia U, Bulgaria) : Re-Inventing the Past: Memory and Counter-Memory, Strategies and Tactics, Activists and Entrepreneurs
Ljiljana Radonic (Institute of Cultural Studies and Theatre History, Vienna, Austria) : Equation vs./as Europeanization?  Holocaust and Gulag in Post-Communist Memorial Museums
Oto Luthar (U of Nova Gorica, Slovenia) : Prolongation: A Symptom of Post-Communist Memory Culture/s
Zoltan Dujisin (Columbia U, US) : Institutionalizing a Collective Memory of “Totalitarianism”: The Post-Communist Right and the Europolitics of Interest Alignment
DISCUSSANT : Michael Shafir (Babes-Bolyai U, Cluj-Napoca, Romania)


* Session IV (18h20-20h20). PanelCE13 : The Holocaust and Memory in Central Europe
CHAIR : Richard Frankel (U of Louisiana, Lafayette, US)
Intervenants  :
Hanna Schmidt Hollander : (U of Hamburg, Germany/U of Virginia, US) : Identity in Crisis: Jewish Identity Policies in the Nazi Ghettos
Andrew Kornbluth (U of California, Berkeley, US) : “A Country Without a Quisling”? Postwar Trials, the Holocaust, and the Limits of Retributive Justice in Poland
Anton Weiss-Wendt (Center for the Study of the Holocaust and Religious Minorities, Norway) : The Soviet Union and the Genocide Convention, 1946-1948: The Ideology of Defensive Self-Righteousness
Nadine Blumer (US Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, DC) : Networking Memory: Germany’s Holocaust Memorials to Roma and Jewish Victims in Comparative Perspective
Magdalena Gross (Stanford U, US) : Struggling to Deal with the Difficult Past: Polish Students Confront the Holocaust
DISCUSSANT : Aviel Roshwald (Georgetown U, US)


Vendredi 25 avril 2014


* Session VI (11h20-13h20). Panel L BO12 : Book Panel on Jan Grabowski’s Hunt for the Jews: Betrayal and Murder in German-Occupied Poland (Indiana, 2013)
CHAIR : Elissa Bemporad (CUNY Queens College, US
Martin Dean (US Holocaust Memorial, DC)
Piotr Wrobel (U of Toronto, Canada)
David Engel (NYU, US)
Jan Grabowski (U of Ottawa, Canada)


* Session VII (14h50-16h50). Panel N6 :  Israel and the Palestinians: Power-Sharing or Partition as Options for Peace (Roundtable)
Uriel Abulof (Princeton U, US) : Middle Ground or Common Ground? The Political Ethics of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Benny Miller (U of Haifa, Israel) : Why Partition is the Solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Brendan O’Leary (U of Pennsylvania, US) : Power-Sharing and Partition amid Israel-Palestine
Asaf Siniver (U of Birmingham, UK) : Arbitrating the Two-State Solution


* Session VII (14h50-16h50). Panel BO1 : Book Panel on Donna Lee-Frieze’s. Totally Unofficial: The Autobiography of Raphael Lemkin (Yale, 2013)
CHAIR : Joyce Apsel (NYU, US)
Peter Balakian (Colgate U, US)
Mark Lewis (CUNY, US)
Anton Weiss-Wendt (Center for the Study of the Holocaust and Religious Minorities, Norway)
Donna Lee-Frieze (U of Victoria, Australia/Center for Jewish History, US)


Samedi 26 avril 2014

* Session X (11h20-13h20). Panel CE16 : Central European Nationalism Before the First World War
Intervenants :
voir programme
Timothy Olin (Purdue U, US) : The “Toleration” of Jews and Romani in the Habsburg Balkans
DISCUSSANT : Daniel Unowsky (U of Memphis, US)


* Session XI (14h50-16h50). Panel CE17 : Representing Nationality and Identity in Central Europe
Intervenants :
voir programme
Djordje Stefanovic (Saint Mary’s U, Canada) : What Causes “Anti-Semitism without Jews” in Eastern Europe?
DISCUSSANT :  Carol Skalnik Leff (U of Illinois, Urbana, US)


* Session XII (17h10-19h10). Panel M4 : Diversity, Multiculturalism, and Integration in Europe
Intervenants :
voir programme
Esther Romeyn (U of Florida, US) : The Spectropolitics of Immigration in the Netherlands: Tolerance, Anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and the Dis/Avowal of Race
DISCUSSANT : Tomris Yilmaz (U Paris Sorbonne, France)


Programme : Lien vers le site de l’ASN.

The final program of the ASN 2014 World Convention can be downloaded at http://nationalities.org/convention/pdfs/ASN-2014-Final-Program.pdf. The Convention, sponsored by the Harriman Institute, will be held at Columbia
University, New York, on April 24-26, 2014.

Registration fees are $90 for ASN members, $110 for nonmembers, $60 for students (and a special rate of $30 for nonpanelist graduate students enrolled in New York area universities). The registration form can be downloaded at https://nationalities.wufoo.com/forms/asn-registration-form/.
For registration information, please contact Kelsey Davis ( asnreg2014@gmail.com ). For general convention information, please contact Ryan Kreider ( rk2780@columbia.edu,  212 854 2514). For information on panels, please contact Dominique Arel ( darel@uottawa.ca ).

Two special roundtables will be held on the Ukraine escalating crisis (on Thursday April 24 at 6.20 PM and Friday April 25 at 11.20 AM). Up-to-the minute roundtables on the “Bosnian Spring” and the 2014 Hungarian election were also added to the program.

As always, the Convention boasts the most international lineup of panelists of North American-based conventions, with more than half of the 400+ scholars delivering papers, currently based outside of the United States in nearly 50 countries. More than 750 panelists and participants are expected at the Convention. The program features 150 panels, including the screening of 12 new documentaries that will be announced shortly. The films include Watchers of the Sky, Pussy Riot: A Punk Prayer, and Putin’s Games.

The Convention offers an exceptionally strong lineup of panels in all regions of the former Communist world and Eurasia: Russia, the Caucasus, Central Asia/Turkey-Greece/China, the Balkans, Ukraine/Belarus and Central Europe (including the Baltics and Moldova). Every year, the Program Committee has to be more selective in devising the lineup, due to the increasing number of proposals. The Central Europe and Balkans sections are the largest, with 25 and 23 panels respectively, followed by Russia and the Caucasus-21, Ukraine (and Belarus)-17, Central Asia/China/ Turkey/Greece-a combined 17, Nationalism Studies-13 and the new Migration section-8 panels.

In its most visible section, the Convention will be hosting 17 special panels featuring new important books. The list includes Ian Buruma’s Year Zero: A History of 1945, Andreas Wimmer’s Ethnic Boundary Maker and Serhii Plokhy’s The Last Empire: The Final Days of the Soviet Union, the latter event conducted in the form of a conversation with the author. The book panel Totally Unofficial: The Autobiography of Raphael Lemkin (by Donna Lee-Frieze) will be followed, in the next session,  by the documentary Watchers of the Sky, partly evoking the live of Raphael Lemkin. Other book panels will feature the latest monographs by Margarita Balmaceda (The Politics of Energy Dependency), David Crowe (War Crimes, Genocide & Justice), Montserrat Guibernau (Belonging), Ipek Yosmaoglu (Blood Ties), Jan Grabowski (Hunt for the Jews), Maria Koinova (Varieties of Governance in Bulgaria, Macedonia, and Kosovo), Soeren Keil (Multinational Federalism in Bosnia), Stephen Jones (Georgia: A Political History), Lynn Tesser (Ethnic Cleansing and the EU), Elissa Helms (Innocence and Victimhood), Larry Markowitz (State Erosion), and Jessica Greenberg (Youth, Democracy, and the Politics of Disappointment in Serbia). The opening reception of the Convention will be held on the 15th Floor of the International Affairs Building, 420 W. 118th St., New York on Thursday April 24 at 8.30 PM. The closing reception, at the same place on Saturday
– April 26 at 7.15 PM, will feature the announcements of the ASN Harriman Book Prize, the Best Doctoral Students Papers Awards and the Award for Best Documentary.


OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Julia Maspero (24 avril 2014). 24-26 avril 2014 : Interventions sur l’histoire des Juifs après 1945 au cours de l’ASN world convention. Histoire des Juifs après 1945. Consulté le 1 décembre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/ph3z

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